Thursday, February 24, 2011
Blog Award
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
So, what I'm going to do is make a page on this blog that has links to all of my resources for you. It will keep growing as I develop more things. Clouds are nice, but anyone with the link can change and save the material. I just ask that if you modify it (and by all means, go ahead!) please save the modified version to your own computer, or change the name of it to give you credit for the edits. I'd hate to go in there in a couple weeks/months and not even recognize my own work!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jellyfish-Step 2

I'll punch the holes and pre-tie the lacing around each body for the kids.

Eric Carle's Mr. Seahorse
Green paper (4" X 6")

If you'd like to see more of these, check out our Artsonia site!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Best Supplies

To solve my pencil issues, I got new hand sharpeners. I LOVE them. I found them in School Specialty's adapted catalog-which confuses me a bit, as they are great for non-special needs kids too. They have a little button on them that pops up when the pencil is sharp! No more over sharpening! The kids love them, and are completely amazed when the botton pops and the pencil really is sharp.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Scary Stuff
Here's a direct quote from the memo about the provisions that could be in the legislation he is trying to rush through our state senate this coming week:
- Sizable cuts in school aide over the next 2 years, which would be mostly but not totally made up for by allowing schools flexibility to lower benefits to teachers.
- Require public workers to pay in 5% of their salaries/wages to their WRS retirement.
- Require workers to pay 12% of their health premiums.
- Reinstitute a version of the QEO that ties total package increases to revenue limits.
- Limit collective bargaining rights by making some issues (like insurance, discipline, discharge, and evaluation) permissive subjects of bargaining; meaning that school districts could implement their language without reaching an agreement with the union.
Now, these are things that could be in that bill, which has not been made public. This list was taken from an article in the Milwaukee Journal, which is a very reputable source. I find this all so scary. Not only do they want to dock my pay (by making me pay into retirement), but I also have to pay more for my insurance, and have no say in any of it? Ridicules! Why is it just because we choose to spend our lives serving others some members of government think they can push us around and take away our livlihood? I'm already low income, I have another kid on the way, I'm in grad school to increase my pay-yet I'll be making less money next year (despite moving up a lane!) if this plan goes through. What other career do you know of could that happen to an employee?
I love teaching. But I seriously HATE the politics of working in an area that the government has any hand in, let alone pretty much controls.
If you teach in Wisconsin, I'm sure your union has already passed this rotten news on to you and urged you to call your representitives. Let me be one more voice urging you.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Jellyfish-Step 1