Saturday, August 21, 2010


Because it is my second year at my district, I was required to attend inservice this past week. We all start this coming week. While waiting with one of my principals for our meeting to start, he asked me if I've heard of Prezi. I hadn't, so he showed me the site. It's great! It's a presentation site that flows better than most~it's not linear. I watched the video tutorials on the site and created this Prezi on Laurel Burch. I figured since I already had info on her, it would be an easy place to start. I'm not sure that it's complete~it doesn't have much info on her life, just the YouTube video and lots of images, but you will get the idea of what Prezi is like, and if you'd like to explore it for use in your classroom.

Here's my Prezi, as is. To see it, click on the play icon, then float your mouse over where it says "More" and click on "Autoplay."


barbarasthoughtoftheday said...

thanks so much for sharing this. I didn't realize that laurel birch faced so many challenges, or so many successes in her lifetime. How inspiring. Prezi looks pretty nifty. Must try it!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing artist. And what a great tool, Prezi. Thank you!

Mrs. Hahn said...

Thank you so much for sharing your Prezi. I can't wait to play with it myself.