I feel bad that some people come here for inspiration and all I have been posting is what my CID kids are working on. That's simply because most of what we're working on has already been posting and I don't want to become redundant. Here's what we're up to:

They just finished their "Kindergarten Kandinsky" projects. We identified shapes and colors in Kandinsky's paintings, and then drew shapes with oil pastels. Next class we watercolored over them.
Learning Targets are:
I can. . .

First grade just finished making their "dot" drawings, which can be found
here. I did find another book to use with it called
Katie's Sunday Afternoon by James Meyhew. A little girl goes into some pointillist paintings in a museum. The kids really liked the story, and I like that it shows reproductions of Seurat, Pissarro, and Signoc.

Second grade is working on their Henri Matisse Goldfish collages, which can be found
here. We're making them a bit smaller this year to finish them quicker.

They are creating awesome Laurel Burch Cats, found
here. If you're interested in doing it, feel free to use my Prezi, which is

Wow! Finally one I haven't already blogged about! My fourth graders started with "Name Fish." A pretty traditional lesson, I think. I start by telling them it's an IMAGINARY fish. They are asked to draw a fish, add thier name in bubble letters on the body, and use value in every section of the fish with colored pencils. Those are their Learning Targets too.