In my opinion, organization is the key to a successful elementary art program. I have taken ideas from many other art teachers and formed my own way of keeping everything organized. First, my tables are labeled by color, and each table has a folded piece of paper of the same color that I refer to as their "table folder." Secondly, each class has a "class folder," where we put all of the class' table folders. The class folders are then stored on a shelf designated for the class.
An example of "table folders."
"Class folders" simply have the grade and teacher's name on the outside of the folder.
I also like to have a spot for everything, and everything in it's spot. I am constantly reminding students to put things exactly where they belong, or we won't be able to find them when we need them later. I have labeled every cabinet, drawer, and container with photo labels so even the children that don't read yet can figure out where to put whatever supply they have.
I also have a helper table each class period. We work on a six day cycle, so I change the color of a piece of paper on my white board every Day 1. The paper represents which table is my helper table.
I also like to have a spot for everything, and everything in it's spot. I am constantly reminding students to put things exactly where they belong, or we won't be able to find them when we need them later. I have labeled every cabinet, drawer, and container with photo labels so even the children that don't read yet can figure out where to put whatever supply they have.
I also have a helper table each class period. We work on a six day cycle, so I change the color of a piece of paper on my white board every Day 1. The paper represents which table is my helper table.
I have magnetic letters that spell "ART" on my whiteboard as well. When a class is off task, I will move a letter to the other side of the board. If all three letters are moved, they must be silent for the rest of that art period.
For every letter that remains in it's original spot for the whole art class, I color a square on my chart. When the colored blocks reach the dark line the students get a treat. Last year I let them sit wherever they wanted for a class, which is a great treat for them but completely messes up my organization! This year I have a bucket of candy, plastic rings, and pencil grips.
For better or worse, there is a Yakker Trakker in my room. I like the concept, but find that they settings are either too sensitive or not sensitive enough. If the light goes to red an alarm goes off and a magnetic letter is automatically moved. I make it clear, however that a letter can be moved without the alarm going off too.
Where did you get the Yakker Trakker? Is that something the school installs in all the classrooms for noise control?
No, they sell in education catalogs for around $50. I actually found mine in a cabinet towards the end of the year last year. The teacher before me must have used it.
I think you have the best blog name I have come across. It really appeals to my sense of humour. Thanks for the tips.
Great organization ideas. I have been trying to figure out a way to keep track of an entire elementary school program - and I think this might be it!
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